Free Mp3 Download Lily Perez -Amazing God 2017
worship single from gospel singer lily perez. The worshiper recently released an Album titled Seat of Victory , dropped this new single off the album tagged Amazing God.
Download and listen to Amazing God:
[easy_media_download url=”https://primesong.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Lily_Perez_-_Amazing_God_Primesong.com.mp3″ force_dl=”1″]
To join the challenge follow this steps below:
1: Download Amazing God by Lily Perez for free
2: sing your rendition of Amazing God by Lily Perez and express your heart felt worship in the best way you can
3: post and tag @lilyperezlive
Entries will be judged by;
Tee Y mix, Nikky Laoye and Wilson Joel based on Harmonies, Vocal dexterity and song interpretation
then winners will emerge.
1st runner gets $200
2nd runner gets $100
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