Day 2: RCCG November 2019 Fasting Prayer Points –Saturday, 2nd #RCCGFast #Day2

#RCCGFast #Day2 November 2nd 2019


Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the demonstration or show of appreciation for all He has done for us. Psalms 101, Chronicles 16:8. It is good to give thanks unto the Lord Psalms 92:1 As Hannah expresses her appreciation to God in 1Samuel 2:1– 10.

  1. Let us thank God for being on our side and our strength in RCCG since the beginning of this year 2019.
  2. Worship God who has been keeping His Pastors and Ministers.
  3. Let us thank God for His mercy that he has made available in sustaining us. 3:22-23
  4. Thank God for not allowing the enemy to succeed over the church.
  5. Let us thank God for not allowing perpetual civil war to exist in the Nation where you are.
  6. Thank God for what He has done for you and every individual in RCCG. Globally. Psalms 138
  7. Let us bless the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the growth of Christianity in the Nations where Christianity had not been allowed before.
  8. Father, we thank you for the early revival of the church, which brings about explosive church growth, in Jesus name.
  9. Father, we thank you for the expansion and growth of RCCG all over the world, in Jesus name.
  10. Father, we thank you for the salvation of thousands of souls who were on their way to hell, but you have helped them to make a U-turn to heaven, using your church as an instrument of salvation. Mathew 16:18
  11. Father, we thank you for making several inroads to several formally unreached nations with the gospel in Jesus name.
  12. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of salvation to perishing souls in Jesus name. Mathew 28:19-20,4:19 Father, we thank you for urgent interventions that you are making to deliver your missionaries in times of persecution and perils in Jesus name.
  13. Bless the name of the Lord, for His mercies over the life of every member of RCCG globally.
  14. Thank God for fulfilling His covenants made with our founder in our lives and in all our churches.

Day 2: RCCG November 2019 Fasting Prayer Points –Saturday, 2nd #RCCGFast #Day2

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