RCCG 2018 fasting and Prayer Points for 2018, Day 42 (21st February)
Day 42: RCCG 2018 fasting: (21st February) Prayer Points: The Redeemed Christain Church Of God RCCG DAY 42: WEDNESDAY 21ST FEB 2018 – PERSONAL PRAYERS. This a time to Pray for oneself, Pls lets Join forces together and Ask God To Intervene in the affairs of this Nation!
Restoration can be immediate, gradual of progressive. It can be partial or total recovery. However, restitution is essential for total restoration.
• Father!!! Thank You for being a Giver and not a taker
• Father!!! By fire by force, break into pieces every stubborn mountain in my life today.
• Holy Spirit remind me everything I need to restitute to trigger the release of my complete restoration this year
• Father!!! Replace every sorrow of loss with joy of restoration in my life
• Lord of Hosts, arise and give me victory over every power that is stealing or taking away joy from me
• Failures at the edge of my breakthroughs and restoration be destroy by fire in Jesus name
• You !!! saboteurs of my restoration, I command you be disgraced and displaced by fire in Jesus name
Don’t Miss: Day 43: RCCG 2018 fasting: (22nd February) Prayer Points