Day 9: RCCG 2018 fasting: (19th January) Prayer Points
RCCG 2018 Fasting: Day 9 Prayer points: for The Redeemed Christain Church of God RCCG 2018 Fast DATE: FRIDAY 19TH JAN 2018 – MINISTERS AND MISSIONARIES join the Church ongoing 80days today, It’s never too late!
• Intense praise and worship
• Ask God for mercies for past acts of non-commitment
• Pray for fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His ministers and missionaries in RCCG Acts 1:8
• Pray for fresh empowerment to preach the good news, proclaim freedom to prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind and release of the oppressed. Is.61:1-3.
• Pray for ministers and missionaries and their families, particularly those in the North – strength, wisdom, encouragement, protection and provision
• Pray for them anointing, compassion, revived prayer life, healthy family life, fruitfulness, grace and favour.
• Pray for open heavens, God’s presence, courage, peace, joy, holy lifestyle, divine direction, mercy and long life for all our Missionaries.
• Pray for signs and wonders, healings and deliverance to follow the ministry of missionaries on mission fields because unless people see the power, they will not believe.
• Ask the Lord to send more (labourers) missionaries to un-reached people groups. Matt 9:3738, Mk.16:15.
• Pray that the Church will have willingness and passion to commit more resources to missions, support and empowering of missionaries.
Checkout: RCCG 2018 fasting: Day 10 (20th January) Prayer Points