Day 10: RCCG 2018 fasting: (20th January) Prayer Points
RCCG 2018 Fasting: Day 10 Prayer points: for The Redeemed Christain Church of God RCCG 2018 Fast DATE: SATURDAY 20TH JAN 2018 – HARVEST OF MIRACLES (PRAYER FOR THE MIRACLES OF HARVEST SIGNS AND WONDERS) Bible Text: Matt 8:16; Heb 11:1 join the Church ongoing 80days today, It’s never too late!
• Pray there shall be harvest of miracles for you and all yours this year.
• Pray that there shall be harvest of Miracles at every sphere of your lives this year.
• Father!!! By the power in Your Word through Daddy GO and in all ministrations let there be signs, wonders and harvest of souls.
• Any decree to cause satanic road-block in my way of breakthrough, be scattered by fire.
• Arise O Lord and save sinners, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, set the captives free and destroy all yokes by the anointing Isa 10:27
• God of Hannah arise and fight for those that are called barren in this year I Sam 1:1 – 28
• Before this year runs out, let every barren come back rejoicing with singing 1 Sam. 2:1 –11
• Pray that the word of God will come with power and prick the heart of sinners around us unto repentance Act2:37
• Father!!! Every power sabotaging my comprehensive miracles of victory, stumble, fall and die now!!!!!!
• Let us come against every spirit of distractions that divert people attention away from the point of blessings.